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  • Writer's pictureCarrington Iris

The First Step

Updated: Jan 4, 2018

This year I decided to follow my dreams and it has led me to some strange and exciting places. I have crossed paths with so many incredibly talented souls that have helped me actualize my dreams! It definitely can be scary at times, but I am so grateful that the road I travel is unique to me and hella rewarding. This post is here for those who are curious of my journey and those who want to know more about Carrington Iris (no, I'm not conceited. I just like the way my name rings).

Photo credit: juhn_kwon_photography (IG)

"I hope you drown in joy reading my content and that it inspires you to chase your dreams."

SO... before I get into the juicy stuff I want to thank you. Yes, you!!!! I am so appreciative of your support, even if you're just here to judge and creep (lol). It means so much to me (honestly, truly) to experience this with so many people who embrace me and my journey. Feel free to keep up with me on IG (Instagram) and SC (snapchat) (@thelifeofiris). I hope you drown in joy reading my content and that it inspires you to chase your dreams. Lastly, and most importantly smile and be a light to others :).

The Decision

As I stated earlier, my name is Carrington Iris, but people just call me Iris. I just turned 23 recently (#Sagittarius), but all of my soul searching was done at age 22. 22 was a really important year for me spiritually, career-wise, and love-wise. It was a year that cemented "me". It all started in my final semester of college, more specifically 2 months before graduation. I had NOTHING planned. I didn't know where I was going, where I would work, etc... The plan was always to finish my bachelors, take the LSAT, then off to law school. That plan just didn't sit right with me, because I felt like I was chasing someone else's dream. My last semester I took an apparel and manufacturing class paired with a beginning sewing class. A couple classes in, and I was hooked! As the semester ended, the professor offered me a seat in her master’s program. Was this the path I should follow? If I took this offer, how would I feel staying in my boring college town? I could NOT stomach the latter. So, I decided I loved the apparel industry and that I would stay in that field... but model instead of design. I am naturally tall (5'10") and so I decided to use the gifts I was born with. How was I going to break into this industry? Move! But where?! LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA!! After graduation I stayed in my college town for about 2 months to save money. However, I started to get comfortable. Nearing the end of the second month, I became really sick. I was bedridden for 2 weeks. During this horrible time, I bought a one-way plane ticket to #LA (It was literally 12 days away). I was stunned and shocked that I had actually made the first step to move from a place of comfort into the realm of uncertainty. Where would I stay? Would I find a job? How would I manifest my dreams?

The Arrival

I have never been a planner, EVER. You guys would laugh in my face if I told you the amount of money I "saved" for LA. However, I managed to find a temporary place for the week (the first of the month was a week and a half away and I could not move into my apartment until then). Before my plane took off, I called/emailed/texted the person I would be staying with, because my flight would not land in LA until 1am. Let me kindly insert that I had made them aware of my landing time a week in advance. However, all that communication was in vain because they never responded. So here I am.... on a one-way plane ride to LA..... with nowhere to stay! Thank the Lord I had made one sckety-ish connection before I boarded my flight. (OKAY GUYS PLEASE TAKE OFF YOUR JUDGE JUDY GLASSES. NO JUDGEMENT PASS THIS POINT LOL)

Something had told me (God) to make other arrangements just in case my first accommodation fell through. I was going through Craigslist ads of temporary places to stay. I came across one that was nice, within my price range, and right in the middle of Hollywood. Look at God! I texted the number and I told the person the dates I would need the place and about my late arrival. The person's name was Autumn and she asked me a bunch of questions (to make sure I wasn't a serial killer). A couple of days later, I ended up canceling my reservation with Autumn because my first place was cheaper. Flash forward to me on the plane with nowhere to go once I landed, I sent out a text to her to see if her place was still available. She quickly responded: Sorry Iris, someone has reserved the space. At this point, I am FREAKING out. Where was I going to stay? I definitely was shaken but I KNEW without a shadow of doubt, that LA was where I was supposed to be. So, I said a quick prayer, something along the lines of: God if this is where you've called me to be, make a way. And that was that. I landed in LA a little after 1am. I went to go collect my bags and I sat and waited (maybe 20 minutes). I wasn't sure what I was waiting for, but I took the time to reflect on my future and if I should call my family. The latter wasn't an option because it was 3 am their time. I was also hesitant for my first call home to be one of defeat. As I stated earlier, I KNEW I was in the right place for me and I was very adamant and vocal to my family about it. A text message brought me out of my thoughts. It was Autumn. She told me the girl who was supposed to be staying with her had just canceled!!!! WOW!!! I immediately called an Uber and off to Hollywood I went.

The Beginning

I live by the mantra: make your next move your best move. However, I had no idea where to start. I am a bit of an introvert and I kind of shy away from too much attention. I guess some would call it "insecurity". Emotionally, the past year had taken a toll on my self-esteem and overall self-worth. I didn't have time to address and overcome these issues before being thrown into my first LAFW (Los Angeles Fashion Week). I was not ready emotionally and physically. Who knew I needed to have a confident walk, stellar pictures, and a bomb composition card to be ready? I didn't. My first LAFW was horrible. My walk was horrible. I didn't have a comp card or any pictures for that matter. I didn't book any shows but, I booked a photoshoot with a makeup agency. I guess that counted for something? For the photoshoot I had to pull my own pieces and have the stylist put my items into a look. This was comfortable for me. I put together 4 or 5 bomb outfits and styled them myself. The stylist loved my creative direction for the wardrobe and went with my ideas.

BTS: captured on my Snapchat @thelifeofiris

BTS: captured on my Snapchat @thelifeofiris

BTS: captured on my Snapchat @thelifeofiris

BTS: captured on my Snapchat @thelifeofiris

Photo credit: Hair and Makeup Tnt Agency (IG: tntagency) , photographer Arnold

(IG: arnoldshoots)

Photo credit: Hair and Makeup Tnt Agency (IG: tntagency) , photographer Arnold

(IG: arnoldshoots)

This meant so much to me because I had been swimming in a sea of "no's". I shot the looks and at the time I liked the photos. I met some really cool models on set, who would later play a huge part of my journey. That night I witnessed my first industry fashion show. A couple of days later, I was privileged to meet a former model/talent manager (thanks to my best friend's mom). He basically told me that I have everything the industry wants. We went over basic things I would need to do in order to become a successful model (the list was long lol). He also put me in contact with an agent/manager who was in the industry. From there, I started building my portfolio and dealing with my self-esteem, all of this happened within my first 2 weeks of being in LA.

I was stunned that I was able to make huge career moves quickly. It also solidified my move to LA. I knew from these experiences that somehow everything would workout in my favor. I don’t want to paint a false picture that everything is all rainbows and butterflies, because that is far from the truth. However, I am extremely blessed to be living out my dreams within this lifetime. It is so important to me to not leave any stone unturned. That means wherever this modeling journey takes me I will embrace the good and the bad. I will continue to speak life and positivity over my journey. Lastly, I will welcome new experiences with total strangers, learn from every interaction, and push myself to refine my skills so that I may become a top model in the industry.

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